Culinary Revolutionary

Culinary Revolutionary



Providing assistance with nutrition, pantry stocking, shopping and sourcing of quality ingredients. We are what we eat. Furthermore obtaining the best food we can, especially during the global climate is our best defense. From farmers to local markets - here to consult you on what and how to survive with food.


Culinary classes

Will teach you how to cook simple to elegant meals and snacks, based on your own specific needs and interests. Everybody can cook, or at least should know how too. A whole range available - personalized videos and instructions for all of your snacks and meals. Anything from one or two guests to large events and parties. Tips, techniques, and a full understanding of global cuisine as well as local flavors.


Recipe and meal Plan

Having to eat for restrictions, allergies, sensitivities, illness can be a lot to handle. Especially not knowing how to create and expand on a limited amount of ingredients. I Will provide personalized recipes and menus, meal plans catered to your specific need. Examples from menus that focus on diabetes, heart disease, blood thinners, gluten intolerance and many more. Food is meant to be enjoyed and will do my best to bring that back even on a limited diet.